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Climb@Tron, Space-Walking Robot
Action Products International, Inc.
Year or Era:
battery powered motor, and endowed with suction cups
4" high

Special Comments:
I couldn't wait to put this guy on the web.  He is a birthday gift from my friends Dale and Vicki- thanks!  They picked him up while on vacation at Universal Studios in Hollywood California.  It was in a small shop there.  The thing that makes this robot special is it's ability to climb smooth surfaces, and even walk upside down!  Too cool.  The package says:

Walks up windows
Climbs filing cabinets
Walks with powerful suction cup action!
Operating instructions enclosed (well, I sort of figured that one out)

Three ultra-COOL colors: Graphite Gray, White Hot, Magnesium Blue

Mine must be the "Graphite Gray" model.  His metallic looking visor says "Cyclops-05", although it isn't his name.  The top picture shows how Climb@Tron can be used to terrorize fish.  I'm sure I will find other useful jobs for him to do as well- maybe clean their tank?

Action Products International, Inc.- hmm, I didn't see it here, but you can always write
Dale's Monty Python Page- the reward for the robot is a link from my page!
Dale's Home Page!